Congressional Hearings on Islamic Terrorist
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07-03-2011, 04:16 PM
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Congressional Hearings on Islamic Terrorist
It appears that there seems to be a concerted effort to condemn the Congressional Hearings on Islamic terrorists. It seems that the major issue is that the hearings are focused on Muslims. I may be incorrect in my views that at the present time that members of the Islamic faith are the ones that various terrorist groups are focusing their attention on. I do not know if this is totally true but as the old saying goes "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck; it must be a duck".
I haven't heard of any concerted effort by the leaders of the Islamic faith getting together and discussing this pressing issue.
Reverend Al Sharpton was on Fox News this AM saying that it wasn't just Muslims that were being radicalized but other non-Muslims also. He used Jared Louhner as an example. I usually don't put much stock in what Sharpton says, but it seems he has outdone himself again.
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