Obviously not, nor is the OP or myself suggesting we can handle what happens outside of the country. At least I did not suggest that, at all, and challenge you to dream up where I did. But we can use the list, with the city in question, to illustrate we have a danger problem on the border (more so than the dangers in Afghanistan in this case and in argument use) thus we need to do something more so than we do now to protect ourselves. If the 2nd most dangerous place in the world is a stone's throw away from the US it makes a pretty strong argument that we need to protect the border at all costs to prevent that type of danger from coming into the US. Which clearly is now anyway. The OP is right in the assessment of using Juarez to suggest more border security is needed, and not because of your suggestion on us being able to do a damn thing about what happens inside of Juarez. Man, use your head here. This is reasonable assessment of the situation on the border and evidence we need to do more to protect ourselves.