Unemployment Up to 10.0% - Gallup Finds - in Mid-February
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02-20-2011, 03:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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Jason Marcel
When the top CEO makes 400 times that of the lowest employee when 30 years ago the top person at a company made between 30 and 40 times more than the lowest employee, that tells us all we need to know about where the wealth redistribution has been going. Typical liberal, acting as though profits are there for first and foremost amongs the employees, rather than the SHAREHOLDERS of the company. Where there is room for legitimate outrage over the level of compensation being received by corporate officers, NONE of it belongs rightfully to other employees, it is outrage on the behest of those who have invested in the company.
Second, you might want to take a look at WHEN (and by extension WHY) this has changed over time. Well, because idiot liberals decided that even 30 to 40 times was outrageous, decided to pass a law limiting to $1 million, the amount corporations could deduct as an expense for tax purposes as compensation for a corporate officer UNLESS it was tied directly to performance. Well, sounds like a great idea right? WRONG, because anyone who isn't a stupid liberal knows that this legislation was DIRECTLY responsible for the unprecedented explosion of stock options to such executives from the mid-90s on ward (as well as the perverse incentivisation of short-term stock price manipulation by those whose bonuses and options were made significantly more valuable by those manipulations which led to many of the corporate accounting scandals that ran rampant under the Clinton Administration until they were ferreted out and prosecuted--under the Bush administration).
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