Unemployment Up to 10.0% - Gallup Finds - in Mid-February
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02-20-2011, 10:40 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Jobs are created by investors & entrepreneurs taking risks.
If the risks fail, investors & entrepreneurs lose the most money by volume.
But investors & entrepreneurs rarely risk everything, so by
they are not risking so much.
Employees, on the other hand, gain 100% by getting a job and they lose 100% by losing a job.
As long as everything that happens here is based on money holdings, who holds the money, I don't see how this could go any differently.
Investors & entrepreneurs expect the same or a little profitably greater percentage in return for their investment.
Employees just want to keep earning a paycheck.
The two live in different worlds.
Until we find another way to create jobs, a way that allows both to live in the same world and the jobs still get created and kept, I don't see how this could be any different.
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