Blue you just live in the past and all you care about is a frigen factory job, someone working in an assembly line. We are done with that, weather you like it or not other countries factories are better, faster and cheaper. And you blame the Pub's for everything, let me ask you, you want jobs then bring our oil production back home. How about that. I'm sick of liberals whining about factory jobs but it's OK to outsource 500 billion a yr to purchase oil form countries that really don't like us. And just think of the jobs that are lost to overseas countries. And you want to bitch about factory jobs. No you really don't care about jobs because if you did you would want to bring our oil production back home. Further you would want to seal our border and kick out 20 million illegals that are taking good American Jobs. Our government is outsourcing 20 million illegals jobs right here at home and you could care less, same as shipping 500 billion a yr to foreign countries and their jobs. No, you don't give a shit about jobs, just the job you want.