Is the US in Decline as World Power
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01-19-2011, 03:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
heh the US is in decline due to our spending, and debt.
utter partisan fantasy.
the US is in decline because:
1. It's 'ascent' was based on temporary realities, namely the lack of economic competitors following WW2, and the Soviet Union being the only military rival on a global scale.
2. It's 'ascent' was largely exaggerated to its public, and not as prevalent as is asserted. Agents of propaganda and media sources paint an untrue picture of an economically stratified society.
3. And mostly, the U.S. is in decline because, contrary to some assertions of american mythology, the U.S. is not the only entity capable of centralizing wealth and using it to project power globally. Other places can do this to, have done this in the past, and are starting to do so now with authority. Namely China.
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