Is the US in Decline as World Power
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01-19-2011, 03:38 PM
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Oct 2005
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Its seems sure that the US will loose power in the next decades, but i wouldn`t describe this as decline.
Only China and India get stronger, since they unleashed the power of free markets and capitalism. They`ve 2 Billion people with the ambition to get rich as the West. And with the pace of their developement they will sooner or later achieve this goal.
Sure, there are serious economic and ecological probems linked with, but overall it`s positive for the whole world, if much more people contribute their skills in the world-marked. Have i mentioned Riccardos comparative advantage?
It`s a race to the top, with chances and risked, especially when one loks at China. Will a growing middle class demand more political liberty as it was in the 19th entury in Europe? Which consequences hat Chinas awakening for its global aspirations in general and Taiwan in particular? Would China become a role-model für authorian governments?
Will political instabilitioes rise with the emergence of new Superpowers, especially in regions with multiple claims for a sphere on influence.
But i am sure, that the US will be even in the future a dominant world player. The US is the leading economic county with the worlds best universities, and the demographic Trends didn`t hit them as much as Europe or even China. And in the long run i see more potential in India as in China, but India would be more a political partner as Europe is today as a rival like China. Democratic nations tend to have very good relations.
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