DREAM Act Dies In Senate
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12-19-2010, 03:38 PM
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DREAM Act Dies In Senate
Thankfully, the camel didn't get its ugly DREAM Act head under the tent, or the rest of the horror of amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants was sure to follows:
Republicans Block Path to Citizenship for Young Illegal Immigrants
Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the military.
Sponsors of the Dream Act fell five votes short of the 60 they needed to break through largely GOP opposition and win its enactment before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month. Critics called the bill a backdoor grant of amnesty that would encourage more foreigners to sneak into the United States in hopes of being legalized eventually.
"Treating the symptoms of the problem might make us feel better ... but it can allow the underlying problem to metastasize," said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. "Unfortunately, that's what's happening at our border." As Sen. Linsey Graham said, " We're not going to pass the DREAM Act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. It will never be done as a stand-alone. It has to be part of comprehensive immigration reform."
Indeed, and that reform will righly be a complete blockade of all borders from illegal immigrants worldwide, not just south of the border as the unreal stereotype portrays, and that reform will also rightly reject any amnesty, guest-worker program or DREAM Act, and will encourage voluntary deportation of illegals.
Indeed, as long as Republicans are in charge of the House, there will be no amnesty, and for good reason. As one Los Angeles Times letter-writer, Mike Burns of Bakersfield wrote:
Even the most optimistic "Latino outreach" activists in the Republican Party have never talked about winning a majority of the Latino vote. The hope is to win a consistently respectable share of that vote, in the 30% to 40% range.
Political professionals know that most likely, Latinos will always give more votes to Democrats than to Republicans. There are a variety of reasons for this, but that is the consensus of opinion.
Therefore, though the DREAM ACt may "haunt" the GOP for some time, granting amnesty to potentitally 2 million enventual Democratic voters would haunt the party even longer. That's why most Republicans oppose the bill. And yes, considering that the Latino vote breakdown in the recent gubernatorial election in California was roughly 80% for Democrat Brown and 20% for Republican Whitman, that appears to be an intelligent strategy for the Republicans.
But that's just politics.
The great silent majority of Americans, centrists, who are indeed 75% of the population, are greatly opposed to illegal immigration and any form of amnesty.
From a democracy perspective alone, opposing the DREAM Act was the right American democratic thing to do.
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