Will Obama "politicize" tonight in Tuscon?
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12-01-2011, 10:37 PM
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Oct 2005
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I hope the President tonight take the opportunity to remind us all that despite the problems we may have with the way our gov't runs, that our established laws and that our system of gov't is not a real threat to the people. That the voices out there that insist on trying to convince us that our establishment is oppressive to the people are wrong, and that there is much more to be concerned about by anti-establishment vitriol and actions than anything the gov't has ever actually done to us.
If it is indeed a defining moment for him as President, the way it was for President Clinton after the Oklahoma bombing, than it must be said by him tonight that we should all be able to agree that our establishment is essentially good despite the cynicism we sometimes bring to thinking about it.
In his acceptance speech, he said something to the effect that although we have 2nd Amendment rights, that surely we can balance this with sensible gun control so that it is ultimately difficult to almost impossible for guns to get in the hands of people who shouldn't have them in the first place.
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