11 year anniversary of 9/11 looms
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09-09-2012, 08:08 AM
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Oct 2005
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A little over a year ago, President Obama called the “Arab Spring” revolutions that began in Egypt a historic opportunity for America “to pursue the world as it should be.”
Obama praised the uprisings that would soon spread to other countries and said the United States should promote “change that advances self-determination and opportunity.”
According to multiple reports in Arabic news sources, as well as WorldNet Daily and the Algemeiner, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood this month has begun crucifying enemies of the country’s recently installed President Mohammed Morsi.
According to Egyptian media accounts, on Aug. 8, a large mob of Muslim Brotherhood “partisans” surrounded a media center in an angry response to criticism of Morsi’s consolidating power by removing several key military leaders and the Brotherhood’s rewriting of the country’s constitution and other laws.
Egyptian website El Balad reported that: “thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters attacked 6-October’s media facilities, beat Khaled Salah—chief editor of the privately-owned and secular Youm 7newspaper—prevented Yusif al-Hassani, an On TV broadcaster, from entering the building, and generally terrorized the employees.”
When supporters of journalist Tawfik Okasha gathered at the presidential palace, they were surrounded by a Brotherhood mob that “attacked them with sticks, knives, and Molotov cocktails, crucifying some of them on trees, leading to the deaths of two and the wounding of dozens,” according to El Balad.
Okasha had stirred up Brotherhood anger by posting a video that showed a Muslim apostate being killed by a mob shouting “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.”
Al Azhar, one of the leading Muslim institutions in Egypt, has issued a fatwa in response, calling for even more violence and killing to stop planned demonstrations against the Brotherhood.
Several Arabic websites reported that the crucifixions were verified by a Sky News correspondent.
The developments may not be a surprise to critics of the Arab Spring who long expected the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood to revert to its Shariah law-inspired dictatorial ways.
When Morsi, a known Islamist, won the Egyptian election, Obama said the United States would “stand beside” Egypt, despite calls from conservatives like Allen West for rejecting the election’s outcome.
Obama even went so far as to invite Morsi for an official visit, the first such invitation ever extended by a U.S. president to a Muslim Brotherhood member, although White House officials had met previously with Brotherhood emissaries.
The latest developments should be deeply embarrassing to the Obama Administration. At the very least, they show plainly Obama’s foreign policy foolishness and incompetence.
They should also raise some very serious questions about this Administration’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, which it has supported politically, militarily and financially throughout the Mideast, including the current fighting in Syria.
More disturbingly, these events show that the Left’s recent complaints regarding questions about Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aide, are just a baseless smokescreen that may even amount to a coverup by the Administration and its supporters.
When Michelle Bachmann and several other Congress members raised questions about Abedin’s undisputed family ties to the Brotherhood, and about the infiltration of the government at several levels by operatives or sympathizers of the Brotherhood, they may have just scratched the surface of what could turn out to be an extensive, deliberate attempt at espionage by Islamists.
How many of the Brotherhood’s outrageous actions have been signed off by the White House, and what role has Abedin played in persuading the Administration to ally itself with a known terrorist-sponsoring organization?
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