Top US heart specialist talks about the benefits of Earthing
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06-13-2012, 12:10 AM
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Top US heart specialist talks about the benefits of Earthing
This is fantastic stuff with fantastic results, infact the results are so good this earthing can be used as a treatment in the health field.....I believe....
Top US heart specialist talks about the benefits of Earthing
Anand Wells - Monday, June 11, 2012
A top heart specialist talks about the benefits of Earthing.
Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC is a renown US cardiologist who had pioneered Earthing in the world of medicine. He co-authored the book "Earthing: the greatest health discovery ever?" and wrote the following revealing article with Martin Zucker (Reprinted with the kind permission of the Townsend Report)
Earthing Update - Outstanding Benefits ... with a Few Caveats
ln my 35 years as a cardiologist, I have seen many advances in technology that give clinicians greater ability to save lives. However, the most impressive breakthrough in all my years in medicine is something as utterly low-tech and natural as it gets the very Earth we live on. Literally, the ground beneath our feet.
Surely, sometime in your life you walked barefoot along the wet sand at the beach or on a field of dew moistened grass. You may recall feeling some tingling in your feet or legs, or a sense of warmth or wellbeing rising up into your body. That sensation is the result of your direct barefoot contact with the surface of
the Earth, which science tells us brims with subtle electric energy.
Throughout history humans walked barefoot and slept on the ground, and healers in many cultures honoured the connectedness to Mother Earth. ln the late 19th century, a back-to-Nature movement in Germany claimed many health benefits from being barefoot outdoors, even in cold weather. ln much of the world today, we wear shoes that insulate us from the Earth's energy, and we obviously no longer sleep on the ground. As a result, contemporary humans appear to be missing something very fundamental. I call it vitamin G - G for ground.
Science has now validated that the ground's electric energy is absorbed into the body and indeed promotes better health, sleep, and vigor, harmonizes and stabilises basic biological rhythms, neutralises inflammation, and knocks down pain. Medically speaking, these is a big deal!
The discovery of the benefits of Earth's energy on health is the subject of book I am proud to have coauthored
- Earthing: The Most lmportant Health Discovery Ever? (Basic Health Publications, 2O1O).
The book introduces the planet's powerful, eternal, and overlooked natural energy as a massive missing link in the health equation and how people anywhere can easily connect to it.
Just as you would plug a dormant appliance into an electrical outlet, when you connect yourself to Mother Earth's surface energy field your bioelectrical body becomes charged and enlivened. You experience
multiple benefits, significant for most people, and nothing less than amazing for many.
Hundreds of anecdotal stories, as well as a dozen or so research studies, reveal that contact with the Earth is
powerful medicine, and several major findings have emerged:
1. Earthing restores a natural electrical state in the body, promoting a healthy shift away from sympathetic
nervous system (stress) tone to parasympathetic (calming) mode;
2. Earthing significantly reduces inflammation, and along with it pain, a result thought to come from the Earth's abundant negatively charged electrons flowing into the body and neutralising the positively-charged free radicals at the heart of oxidative damage and chronic inflammation, the cause of so many common diseases;
3. Earthing generates a bloodthinning-like effect by improving the anti-clumping electrodynamics
of red blood cells. Blood flow is enhanced.
Just two months ago, a new study that I coauthored appeared in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal describing how grounding the body improves heart rate variability (HRV)beyond basic relaxation. HRV is considered a primary marker of stress, and improved HRV indicates a positive influence on cardiovascular status. We see that playing out in repeated reports from people about lowered blood pressure and arrhythmias
thatdecrease and even stop. Studies are needed to confirm this effect, and if validated, Earthing would represent a great weapon against cardiovascular disease.
Since our book came out, I have received many dozens of responses from grateful individuals who have
taken the time to write. Among them are the following:
- "l'm sleeping great and my husband is sleeping deeper and his snoring stopped."
- "l used to get up a lot at night to relieve myself and now I sleep right through."
- "l feel more relaxed with less anxiety."
- "My 80-year-old aches and pains have diminished 50 percent I can do things better and move better'"
- 'l've been on lots of pain medication for twelve Years since an accident. Sleeping grounded got rid of the Pain. my life has changed profoundly."
- "My 86-year-old mother has memory loss and has been on four meds for high blood pressure for many years. Her blood Pressure went down to a point where we had to take her off her medication and she is now taking one new medication which is not as strong. She has a long way to go with her memory, but we do notice more
mental clarity; she remembers more things, and is not constantly repeating herself. She seems more focused and has more energy"
- "l am in remission from lupus, I have my life and energy back'"
- "My mother suffers with vitiligo. Since she started grounding on a consistent basis, she has much improved sleep and greatly diminished itching."
On a Personal note, I underwent hip replacement surgery last year and breezed through my recovery. For that I have to thank a pre-surgery conditioning program, a healthful diet, the use of selected nutritional supplements, and routine Earthing' I sleep on a conductive sheet that allows me to be connected to the Earth's energy when I sleep. Doing so optimises the body's normal repair and recovery mechanisms that are in high gear during the night. Recovery from surgery, and injuries, as well as strenuous athletic activity, is faster with Earthing. Sleeping grounded has been used by many elite athletes, including victorious Tour de France cyclists, to speed recovery from gruelling training, competition, and injury.
Along with the many positive reports, l've received questions from people whose initial experiences are not so positive or whose expectations of benefits didn't manifest as quickly as they hoped. Most of the time, people begin to feel the benefits relatively fast, in many times within days of sleeping grounded. Some people, however, feel strange and may even experience flu-like symptoms, pain, achiness, or cramps in the beginning. These experiences tend to be temporary, the result of the body's normalising to the natural energy from the Earth and an enhanced ability to release accumulated toxicity. The heightened detoxification may result in people's feeling worse for a few days, after which they usually feel renewed and energised.
ln my own case, I experienced some leg cramps when I first started Earthing. I attributed it to detoxification. So I started drinking more water to flush out the toxins. The strategy worked and the cramps disappeared. I have heard other people mention cramping. I tell them to drink more water and stick with it. It is also possible that Earthing generates a healing process in the body that causes nerve fibers to function better, resulting in unaccustomed sensations. Generally, such sensations also go away in a short period of time.
lf someone can't tolerate some initial discomfort, I recommend that they stop Earthing for a couple of days, then begin again, but with shorter sessions, like an hour or two during the day, and then gradually increase the exposure to the point when they can comfortably sleep grounded. It may take a bit of experimentation, but the reward is usually well worth it. This approach works well even for people with a major toxic burden, such as Lyme's disease. lt is also helpful for individuals who are "electrosensitive"; that is, sensitive to the chaotic electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emanating from wiring, cordless phones, and cell phones around them. By the way, when you are grounded, you eliminate any environmental EMFs induced on your body.
Everybody benefits in some way, but we are all different. The benefits can come quickly and dramatically, such as less pain and better sleep, or subtly and gradually over time. Often people who are very ill or saddled with various symptoms feel the difference dramatically. Someone with radiant health and who sleeps well may not feel any difference. However, connecting to the Earth helps to preserve and perpetuate their good health. I regard Earthing as a simple, natural form of anti-aging and preventive medicine, whether you feel benefits or not.
It is necessary to caution anyone taking any form of blood thinner, whether a prescription medicine like Coumadin or a nutritional supplement, that Earthing has a blood-thinning effect. Such individuals who decide to ground themselves must monitor their blood levels very carefully and talk to their doctors. Earthing will raise the INR and thin the blood, so you need to guard against excess thinning and the risk of bleeding. You may have to reduce the medication dosage.
A new European study to be published this spring indicates that grounding improves thyroid function. Over the years, some individuals on medication for underactive thyroid, and who started grounding themselves, reported feeling palpitations, irregular and/or forceful beating of the heart, a sign of excess medication. So it is important to be alert to the possibility of an Earthing induced medication overdose. ln such case, I advise consulting with the prescribing physician and possibly adjusting the medication.
The positive responses that I have heard from many people, and personally experienced myself, clearly show that Earthing can play a major adjunct role in treatment protocols for a wide range of health issues.I sincerely believe that there is no pill on Earth that can do what Mother Earth does! lf you aren't familiar yet with Earthing, please educate yourself about this 100% natural phenomenon right beneath your feet.
You'll find the full story in the Earthing book. For Earthing research details, and to read informative Earthing reports and FAQs, visit the website
There's also more information, and a video of a talk I gave on Earthing, at my website
ldeally, you want to sustain the Earthing experience and make it a part of your daily routine. The easiest way to sleep with an Earthing system, that is, on sheets or mats connected via a wire to a properly grounded electrical outlet inside a home or to a ground rod outside. These systems incorporate carbon or silver mesh to conduct the Earth's energy. Earthing devices also include conductive floor/desk mats and body bands, allowing people to work or relax grounded.
Cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, and health writer Martin Zucker are coauthors, along with Clinton Ober,of Earthing: The Most lmportant HealthDiscovery Ever?
How to Earth Yourself if you don't have an Earthing Product
To experience Earthing, go outside barefoot for 40 minutes a day(weather and conditions permitting) and see what a difference it can make on your pain level. Grass, sand, dirt, and concrete, as well as bodies of water (particularly salt water), are conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth's electrons. Wood, asphalt, and vinyl are not conductive' lf going barefoot outside isn't practical, a warm basement with a concrete floor will also work well. Sit there and read or relax, with your bare feet on the floor.
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A friend of mine and myself have been testing areas of rooms ect and how electricity affects us using a multi meter and our findings have discovered or verified that 2 prong power connections without an earth are very harmful as they build up a lot of electrical energy which affects humans badly .
Multi meter is earthed and positive end is held which picks up readings from us , move and it may go up or down depending on nearness of electrical equipment ect. Any thing with an earth proved to not too bad but anything with out an earth proves to be disastrous .
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