I just want to expand on that post with a couple more things: 1) A strict water fast will force every cell in your body to relinquish its stores as your body goes through the fast. After about 7 days, you enter the healing phase, where your body starts to really focus all it's energy on fixing whatever is wrong with it, such as killing cancers, repairing tendon damage, eliminating arthritis, etc. 2) As the cells begin to relinquish the stored up goods, the bads are released first. This detox is super-intense, happens at the 48 hour mark, and lasts about 6 to 8 hours. It feels like an intense flu, accompanied with extreme nausea, watering mouth, dizziness, etc. It will pass. It's a good thing. It only happens once, on your first fast. You're relaseing poisons and toxins into your bloodstream that you have been carrying since you were a child. 3) Fasting is a natural human condition that our bodies are designed for. We are built to go extended periods without food. Don't let Burger King fool you. When animals are critically wounded or sick, they will fast and heal. Fasting heals the body and kills any and all diseases. There are a ton of books out there on this.