Justice for Joy - A sad aspartame story
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07-19-2012, 07:24 PM
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Unhealthy Foods: SWEET Poison
"Aspartame poisoning & aspartame side effects. Are you killing yourself with the artificial sweetener aspartame? "
Abby Campbell
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If you think you are saving on calories by using aspartame, you may be. But, you will be shortening the quality of your life if not putting your life in serious harm’s way. Please read this article as it is very important that you understand what you are putting into your body. Though aspartame has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), it is considered one of the most
unhealthy foods
you can consume.
What is aspartame?
Some of you may know it better as an artificial sweetener (a replacement for sugar) by the brand names of NutraSweet, Equal, Same, or Spoonful. All of these brands are
unhealthy foods
and subject your health to
aspartame poisoning
What products contain aspartame?
It is in 6,000+ ingestible products around the world. Avoid these
unhealthy foods
carbonated soft drinks
powdered drink mixes
chewing gum
dessert mixes
puddings and fillings
frozen desserts
some vitamins
sugar-free cough syrups and cough drops
Why is aspartame so harmful?
Since it’s release in mid-1983,
aspartame side effects
have increased from 10-80 percent depending on which disease it is. It is most notable in mimicking diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus which are both autoimmune diseases. Multiple Sclerosis affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) while Systemic Lupus attacks the body’s cells and organs caused by chronic inflammation. Most of the clinical and reported symptoms aspartame is attributed to are neurological or are connected to the nervous system. Please see this report by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS):
When aspartame was fully marketed in the United States in 1983, many Americans switched from regular sugar-laden sodas to the zero calorie diet drinks believing that they were doing something good for their health. Six months later, there was an extreme rise in disease: 10 percent brain cancer, 30 percent diabetes, and 60 percent lymphomas. The statistics are staggering according to Dr. Jim Bowen, Biochemist. Further, those statistics were from 1984 when 6.9 million pounds of aspartame were consumed. Currently, 90+ million pounds are being consumed in the United States per year.
Experts on the product:
Dr. H.J. Robert, Board Certified Internist, says that in 1988, 80 percent of voluntary complaints to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) were on food and additives that contained aspartame. (These are complaints that did not need to be submitted.)
Dr. Ralph S. Walton, Psychiatrist, says that aspartame impacts biogenic amines, or neurotransmitters in the brain. Essentially, it looks like this:
Arthur Evangelista, FDA Investigator, states that aspartame causes a slow accumulation of toxins that disrupt normal brain activity and endocrine and within the endocrine system (which is also controlled by the brain).
Dr. Russell L. Blaycock, Board Certified Neurosurgeon, says that some people are more resistant than others to its obvious toxic effects, but even the resistant ones will build up a subtle toxicity where over many years will produce obvious diseases. He also states that:
Aspartame is a POISON that affects:
Why is aspartame so dangerous?
It is a very highly crafted poison, a chemical or molecule made up of three different components:
Phenylalanine Isolate
= 50 percent is a POISON that floods the brain lowering the seizure threshold and depleting seratonin.
Methylated Aspartic Acid
= 40 percent is an extreme excito-toxin, implemented in vast brain damage, including the common neuro-degenerative diseases.
Methyl Esther-Formaldehyde-Formic Acid-Carbon Monoxide Toxic Axis
= 10 percent, when swallowed, becomes methyl alcohol, also known as methanol or wood alcohol. The methyl quickly converts to formaldehyde in the body which causes severe damage to the neurological system, the immune system, and the DNA (even in low doses)
What can I do if I've been using aspartame?
First of all, you can ban the product from your body. Say “no” to any foods that contain it. When you shop for foods, be smart and read labels. If the product contains the chemical, try to find another product that is a healthier choice. There are natural sweeteners that are much less harmful to your body such as Stevia. It comes in powder and liquid and is a natural herb that contains no calories and does not affect blood glucose levels like aspartame. Live healthy by avoiding
aspartame poisoning
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