How far into the Deep Web have you travelled?
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01-22-2012, 10:00 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
USENET was wierd but parts of it were very cool.
like Craigslist -
except people had manners,
on forums like
i used to sell computer parts using the forums. i had zero no-shows, zero returns, 100% performance from USPS & UPS when they had to be involved, like for COD for cash. also, zero low-ball's - nobody ever offered less than i was asking.
what was very screwy was the way Google inherited USENET. it was just basically assigned/ awarded to them. they then promptly started collecting ad revenues from it, a practice that was key to their growth into the larger company they are today.
i would like to see a class action lawsuit where all the people who helped create USENET (side-stepping the porn, hopefully that could be handled separately) are compensated with ad revenues and shares in Google.
Google has received some very unusual favors. they park their corporate jets at the NASA-Ames Research Center & use the military runways.
We are talking about some serious Judeo-Fascism with Jewgle.
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