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03-28-2012, 02:44 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
They're trying to rile up the black people. In the past, when others have talked about a coming race war, I didn't quite buy into it. Now I can clearly see that the cocksuckers enslaving us all would benefit from increasingly divisive and distracting racial tensions. Even if is mostly restricted to small inner city riots it will (like this case) completely dominate the media.
Look at your average gun-toting, conservative, Christian, white, tea partying sheeple. A lot of them are starting to wake up. They are becoming thorns in the side of the state. Now think... What is it that scares the crap out of these people the most?? Losing their rights? Growth of govt?
Nothing... NOTHING frightens them more than a bunch of rioting niggers. Most of them will gladly welcome the encroachment of the police state if it means big brother will keep them safe from the terrible savages coming to rape all the white women.
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