Chittum's Civil War 2 checklist
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03-28-2012, 10:20 PM
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Some establishment newspapers like New York�s Newsday merge two separate photographs together. [17] This trick is commonly used to make people appear as if they were together when they were actually in different places. Time Magazine retouches photographs of people to make them look more or less menacing as their spin doctors fancy. [18] NBC employs hoaxers who use fake photographs to accuse people of wrongdoing. [19] All of these were deliberate, premeditated hoaxes, but in only one instance were any of these hoaxers dismissed by these establishment news organizations.
As Civil War II approaches, the establishment media, in conjunction with the political establishment, will increase its manipulation of mind control hoaxes to accuse politically incorrect persons of wrongdoing so that the government can intimidate them, harass them, send them to prison, and even assassinate them. Likewise, hoaxes will be used to cover up wrongdoing so that those favored by the establishment can escape public censure, and deserved legal punishment. Every time you hear slanted news from the establishment media, think Civil War II.
Item 22: Watch for an increasing percentage of minorities in our military, the use of foreigners in our military, the use of UN troops in our soil, or even the establishment of an American Foreign Legion. Recall that empire often employ foreign mercenaries to put down internal rebellions, just as the British employed German mercenaries to crush our War of Independence, because citizen soldiers are often reluctant to fire upon their fellow citizens or co-ethnics.
In the May 1, 1995 issue of Time magazine, Gen. John Sheehan of the United States Marine Corps was quoted as saying that Cubans interned in refugee camps in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba should be recruited into the American Military. [20] Such foreign mercenaries (and that�s exactly what they would be) would have far less qualms about firing on American citizens than American soldiers would.
General Sheehan was also quoted as saying that enlisting the Cubans would be cheaper than enlisting Americans. This stated reason is both a reason and a pretext. It is a reason because it would in fact save money as desperate foreign mercenaries would work for less, thus allowing the military to lower its pay levels, driving out Americans, especially white Americans. It is a pretext because foreigners would be ideal for Waco-type operations because they wouldn�t jeopardize their livelihood by refusing orders. That�s a big, big attraction for our establishment, so watch for foreign mercenaries being inducted into the US military.
Also watch for minorities in our military in excess of their percentage of the population. The United States Army is now 40% minority. If this trend continues, by 2050 AD the United States Army will be 80% minority. Will a minority coup d�etat be far behind when for every white soldier there are 2 black and 2 Hispanic soldiers?
Item 23: Watch for more out of court settlement in cases of alleged racial discrimination. As mentioned earlier, one tool of imperial governments is hiring certain groups to oppress others. Institutions captured by radicals, like our universities, are now transferring large sums of tax money directly to radical groups without the consent of the people by out of court settlements. This bypasses our elected representatives and whatever remaining protection our courts might provide us.
Our government should forbid out of court settlements in cases of alleged racial discrimination when tax money is demanded as part of the settlement. But of course our corrupt politicians won�t, so watch for more funding of black racist and radical groups by out of court settlements an our corrupt universities and corrupt politicians pave the road to Civil War II with the peoples tax money.
Item 24: Watch for more restrictions of freedom of speech by the government and the establishment media. This will drive non-establishment people underground and radicalize them. All manner of radical underground newsletters and other media will appear, which will give the government an excuse for yet more unconstitutional means of silencing them by harassment by the FCC, and other more direct � even terminal � means, by the BATF and the FBI. Every time you hear of someone being fired, or otherwise punished for some politically incorrect utterance, think Civil War II.
Item 25: Watch for police to increasingly abandon their traditional uniforms for ones that resemble military and secret police uniforms in their dark color or camouflage, military helmets, opaque face shields, and abundance of nametags. These costumes are meant to intimidate, as are the tactics of using paid perjurers (known as informers), paid liars (known as expert witnesses), wiretaps, boots kicking in doors, agent provocateurs, attack dogs, tanks, gas, and entrapment followed by assassination by sniper.
These measures are meant to intimidate not only the people they�re taking out, but more importantly those who view these Roman circuses on TV so they�ll be fearful to speak up in defense of the victims. Also, these Robo Cop costumes have a profound impact on those who don them. Dress a man like a storm trooper and he�ll soon enough get the message.
Our police should wear only light blue, the traditional color of liberty. Their faces should be visible at all times, and they should have large nametags visible at a distance. They should be forbidden to conduct nighttime raids except to rescue hostages, or when human life is clearly and immediately threatened. They should be forbidden the use of armored vehicles and gas in all circumstances. And they should be forbidden the use of entrapment except in cases of persons previously convicted of felonies.
Most establishment types scoff at assertions that America is evolving into a police state. But here�s what former governor of South Dakota, Joe Foss, said as quoted in the May 5, 1995 issue of the New York Post. [21]
�Call a spade a spade. That�s always been my philosophy. As a result of (the) Oklahoma City (bombing) (President Clinton) wants a lot more restrictions on things. I call that heading towards a police state.�
These operations like the Waco takeout and against the Weavers are looking more and more like Vietnam-style Search and Destroy operations and Vietnam-style Phoenix assassination teams.
Item 26: Watch for clandestine groups of white officers to form within our federal, state and local police � groups similar to the Resisters in the Green Berets. I predict that these white law enforcement resister groups will be clandestine because those openly holding such opinions are being harassed and/or fired by higher ups to enforce unconstitutional, racist affirmative action programs and to politicize our law enforcement agencies.
These white law enforcement Resisters will forewarn the victims of unconstitutional actions such as raids for guns or entrapments that target people like Randy Weaver solely they have antiestablishment views.
These white law enforcement Resisters will destroy evidence intended to convict white citizens accused of violating the racist and unconstitutional affirmative action laws. Regrettably, as conditions become extreme, white law enforcement Resisters will also destroy evidence intended to convict whites of crimes against blacks.
The white law enforcement Resisters will be forced to take these measures because they are fed up with being victims of racist affirmative action purges themselves, and because they have a duty to their conscience and to our constitution to fight racism, and because they are coming to realize that by enforcing these racist affirmative action laws that they are delivering up their own children to a racist Moloch of a society that will treat whites as neo-slaves with no rights blacks need respect.
With a quarter for an anonymous phone call or evidence quickly dropped into a garbage can, these white law enforcement Resisters will effectively strike back at racist affirmative action programs and assaults on our Bill of Rights. White law enforcement and military personnel will begin to flash the World War II �V� for victory sign to indicate that they are part of the resistance. I predict that the flashing of the �V� for victory sign will spread to white civilians.
The appearance of Resisters in our law enforcement agencies will be another sure sign that Civil War II draws nearer. Actually, white law enforcement Resisters may be organizing right now. The �Washington Whispers� section of the May 22, 1995 issue of US News and World Report had a mention of one such possible resister unit. It said that an anonymous memo had been circulating among white officers of the Drug Enforcement Agency. The memo was titled: A catalog of insidious abuses of affirmative action within the DEA. [22]
The memo pointed out that minority agents were being promoted despite indiscretions that prevented advancement of white agents. DEA Chief Thomas Constantine is totally unfamiliar with the First Article of our Bill of Rights, a seeming requirement for federal law enforcement officers these days. Chief Constantine should be dealt with.
Item 27: Watch for an arm of the federal government charged with promoting racist affirmative action, such as the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, to acquire agents that carry guns and have the power to make arrests.
Item 28: Watch for the collapse of the US dollar as the world�s premier currency. This will be the signal that will confirm our status as a third-world nation. Foreigners (notably, the Japanese) will refuse to buy our federal national debt instruments denominated in US dollars. Currently, we enjoy the ability to borrow US dollars and repay in US dollars. Because inflation and devaluation are constantly eroding the value of the American dollar, foreigners are increasingly being paid back in a currency (dare we say, funny money) that has lost much of its real value. Eventually, they will demand that our federal government issue debt instruments denominated in (and repayable in) their own currency. Our government will have no choice but to comply, and this will signal that we are in the same category as any other third-world country, however much the establishment denies it.
Item 29: Watch for growing geographic segregation and its increasing mention in the establishment press. One such article was the previously mentioned New Your Times article of Aug. 20, 1995: �Immigrants in, native whites out.� [23] Another, also previously mentioned, occurred in the July 17, 1995 issue of Newsweek about whites fleeing California for the Rocky Mountain states: �It got so it was nothing but Bloods, Crips, drug addicts and wetbacks.� [24]
Item 30: Watch for signs that the global military equation and American dominance in it are being challenged. One such sure sign would be the acquisition of a blue-water navy by the Japanese. Japan cannot be a global military power without a blue-water navy, and Japan cannot have a serious blue-water navy without aircraft carriers. Should Japan acquire even one aircraft carrier, it will mark a direct challenge to American dominance, however much it is denied by Washington and Tokyo. The same applies to a Japanese alliance with China or Russia. Unfortunately, one recurrent theme of history is that trade wars usually escalate into shooting ones. Also, watch for the breakup of NATO, or the emergence of some military arrangement in Europe that in any way displaces NATO. In the future, unlike the recent past, any foreign power or alliance in opposition to America will have the option of assisting ethnic groups in America to the point of rebellion. Expect them to play this card.
Item 31: Watch for the breakup or Canada. If Canada does break up along ethnic and linguistic lines, it will bode ill for its neighbor which is an even worse multiethnic and multilingual mishmash.
Item 32: Watch for an increased flow of Americans immigrating to Canada. In 1991, 13,500 Canadians immigrated to America, but only 5,270 Americans immigrated to Canada. [25] Should this trend ever reverse itself, and more Americans immigrate to Canada than Canadians immigrating to America, then we shall know that America is becoming increasingly untenable for white Americans.
Item 33: Watch for political and legal organizations formed along ethnic lines that will parallel, and ultimately displace their official rivals. For instance, watch for organizations with names like The Association of Hispanic Statues, or the Black Mayors Conference.
Item 34: Watch for more help wanted ads stating that the job applicant must be bilingual. In the southwest, many advertisements for jobs such as nurses and salespeople specify that the applicant must be bilingual. This will tend to accelerate the flight of Anglos out of the southwest and hasten Civil War II. Every time you see a help wanted ad requiring bilingualism, think Civil War II.
Item 35: Watch for signs that the UN is assuming the role of a world government, and that the US is losing even more of its national sovereignty to the UN. Occupation of the United States by the United Nations troops is not the fantasy of militia groups that the establishment press makes it out to be. Consider that it is not entirely clear that member nations may withdraw from the United Nations. Recall our first Civil War. Attempted peaceful secession by the southern states was answered by an armed invasion and occupation by armies of the northern states even though there was nothing in the Constitution that explicitly forbade secession by member states. Now we find ourselves in a parallel situation with the United Nations. Because (to the best of my knowledge) nothing in the UN charter expressly allows a nation to withdraw, any attempt by the United States to quit the United Nations may be used as grounds for an invasion by UN troops.
Those who scoff at such an invasion have plainly not considered the future from the Civil War II perspective. Consider an America locked in all-out civil war, her once huge fleet scuttled by mutineers or divided into clashing fragments. Hispanic secessionists controlling the south-west might invite in UN �peace keeping� troops in hopes of thereby getting some form of international recognition. The legitimate government in Washington might object and quit the UN. Japan or other foreign powers could coerce the other nations into sanctioning this UN invasion with the intent of delivering a fatal blow to the already crippled America, the last step in turning America into a vassal state chiefly useful for farming. (There is a joke circulating among Japanese businessmen: America is a farm, Europe is a boutique.) Note that the Hawaiian secessionists have based their claims for independence in part on a United Nations resolution, resolution 1514, which deals with �decolonization.� Watch for Hawaiians and other secessionists to make more appeals to the UN in the future, such as requesting and getting permission to speak before the UN, and even being granted representation in certain UN committees, or UN affiliated bodies.
Watch for calls for the formation of a permanent military force directly under the command of the UN. Should the UN acquire such a force, there can be no doubt but that the international establishment has decided that the UN will be convened to an actual world government dominant over its member countries. This final step should be regarded as inevitable because the UN is an ideal vehicle for the international establishment to control every last nation, institution and person on Earth. This is the case because the voting members of the UN are not representatives elected by the people, but �ambassadors� appointed by the heads of state, and thus at least one step removed form the people.
Item 36: Watch for a certain picture. We�ve all seen this picture countless times before, a picture from Beirut, Budapest, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Yugoslavia, Somalia � a burnt out tank, perhaps the charred corpse of a crewman protruding through a hatch, and jubilant rebels posing atop the tank waving assault rifles and a flag. Someday we will shall see this picture in our newspapers yet again, and this time taken on American soil. The tank, the dead crewman, and rebels will all be American except the flag, which will be a Mexican, Aztlan, New Africa, or Confederate flag. When we see this picture, it will be too late. Civil War II will be upon us. But there�s another picture we�ll see first, again one we�ve all seen before from some unfortunate land. But this time it will be taken right here in the US of A � a picture of a dirty ragged child foraging for food in a garbage dump. You shutter bugs out there, note that the first to get this picture published in a magazine or newspaper will probably get a Pulitzer Prize.
This item concludes the Civil War II checklist. This checklist is intended to encourage you to consider these and other current events from the Civil War II perspective. The unfortunate events that daily parade past on our TV screens and front pages are not unrelated and random things. They have a common underlying cause, and all draw lines that converge on a single focal point in the future. The underlying cause is the transformation of America into an undemocratic, multiethnic, third-world empire, and the common outcome they all point at is Civil War II.
As you go about your everyday affairs, I invite you to consider unfolding events from the Civil War II perspective. Ask yourself if these events fit into a larger pattern. Do they indicate that Civil War II is drawing nearer or receding? Ask yourself what causes the political and media establishment are assigning to these events. Does the establishment�s perspective really explain unfolding events, or merely shift the blame away form themselves? Are they attempting to shift the blame to irresistible historic forces supposedly beyond their control, such as assigning closed factories to restructuring for the information age? Is the establishment blaming some event on the lowest tier of the emerging empire � working class whites � by calling them racists? Is the establishment using their explanation of some recent event as a pretext to grant special privileges to some tier of the empire in exchange for their support, such as setting aside scholarships, or jobs, or contracts for some minority group? Think for yourself, and decide for yourself.
The end of America and western civilization
All the world waits to see if America will become a multiethnic, democratic nation with a nonracial social contract, or if it will devolve into an ethnically and socially tiered third-world empire, and shatter exactly as all other multiethnic, undemocratic empires have throughout world history. When America erupts in flames, all the world will rightly conclude that liberty�s torch set her ablaze, and that democracy and a multiethnic society are mutually exclusive.
Western Civilization will be transformed; tribalism will blossom into its ultimate expression. Nations will unite into super blocks of Europeans against Africans, Christians against Moslems, East against West, and rich against poor until some hideous climax predator claws its way to the top of the smoking global bone heap. And what excuse will we Americans have? That our fathers didn�t leave us a Bill of Rights to light our way? That no one cautioned us that a house divided against itself cannot stand? That no one told us that we should judge one another by character rather than color?
Like all men of goodwill, I ask nothing more than to live peacefully in my own country where I enjoy the equal protection of the law without corruption of blood, exactly as set down in our Constitution. Regrettably, this simple and just concept is dead, and so is America..
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