MORE POWER TO SILVER SHIELD ! He doesn't owe any of us anything and he is doing his own thing. SS may not agree with me and many of you on many issues or he is just low key about it, that is not an issue considering he is out trying to appeal to a wider audience. I want to tell you people a story about Silver Shield, what I see on these forums disturbs me at times, like now, when skyvike was banning people wholesale, near the end there, people were organizing, Awoke and I were, we had many key people on email lists, we were on Silver Shields forum, a few of us, he gave us a home and we did some communication on that forum, that was a small base of operations that did contribute to the creation of these forums. His forum was slow and we ended up here. Awoke made the decision. We knew we had enough key people. People that would brings others, etc, way before April Fools day announcement. And we spammed the shit out of them late night. These forums owe SS a thanks for his efforts. Ponce helped build these forums too, a gim original with an original ban, we were on Tallships forum talking before he shut it down to damage our efforts, he was gungho and contributed to brining people here, he is on many forums. I am not happy to see Ponce not posting. Despite whatever differences we have, we should show some appreciation. And don't be cheerleaders too much, that's just an honest mistake, made by pros in past, even LeMetro the masters got into it, remember Fekete too. LOL Massive gravitational forces controlled by Crimex come into play after breakouts. Seasonals, charts, cot.