Bill Maher donates $1 million to Obama super PAC What a TOOL!!!
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02-24-2012, 04:45 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I know i have a list of people who have contributed to the absolute destruction of this country, and its getting longer.
Ironically, Maher is pro cannabis, while Soetoro is pro War on Drugs. Literally diametrically opposed to each other.
Hegelian ?
Locking up people just like Mr. Maher
EVERYDAY for cannabis use, and this tool gives more money to this system that seeks to enslave all.
People need to understand that no matter how bad this country gets, there are those who actually make their living from this Luciferian system. The Talmudist Maher is one of them. He will bash the 'Establishment' all day long, until something is really going to get done about it, then he cowers back into the corner of the NWO.
Bill trashed the establishment for years with his show 'Politically Incorrect', which was nothing more than controlled opposition, just like Celtic Rogue said. Now he funds this same system under one of the worst Presidents this country has EVER seen, and he seeks to make sure this system continues....
And yes, i do know what to do with my list once TSHTF.
And lastly, JEW. yes.
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