Farmageddon 2012 ?! -- Gov. Intrusion into Small Farms Leads to Ruby Ridge Incident
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11-25-2011, 12:45 AM
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Oct 2005
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Small independent farmers and ranchers are being put out of business continualy in this country. I think the goal is to separate people from the ability to feed themselves so they will be dependant upon corporations controled by the government. It happened in the Ukraine in 1931 and 1932 when the farms were collectivised by the Jews and millions starved. They killed everyone who showed any signs of resistance to communist slavery by Jews.
There is a book I've read by Miron Dolot called "Execution by Hunger" that is a first hand account by the author when he was a boy. I see the same sort of thing developing in this country that happened there. The parasites want total control of the food supply so they won't be starved and they don't give a shit about anyone else.
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