Originally Posted by Gaillo One of the most interesting conspiracy theories I've ever read on the internet was discussed recently on GIM1. It concerns a NASA communications-room guy who set up tele-conferences between the NASA bigwigs and other .gov agencies, or something similar to that (I don't remember all the details of his job). He posted that he was leaving NASA based on information he learned about the sun, and some kind of particle cloud or gas cloud that the solar system was moving into. He said it would cause solar erruptions that would pretty much destroy most of the electronics on Earth that were not heavily shielded, and he was concerned enough to buy a ranch place and move there with his family to prep and wait it out. It was over on godlikeproductions.com, but I've lost the link since I read it. Anyone know what I'm talking about and maybe have a link? These sun photos fit that theory pretty well... he said it would happen in the early part of this year if I remember correctly.