Holy Crap, Check out these eruptions on the sun
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04-13-2010, 11:17 PM
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Oct 2005
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for a 62 million year cycle of mass extinctions.
national geographic
article linking that with the solar system's passage through the galaxy, goes round like a sine wave so at time is less protected by the denser, central portions of the milky way from EM from the centre of this galaxy, and from EM clouds/electric currents running through intergalactic space. there's speculation that cosmic rays (more EM) change DNA, as the mass extinction events occur simultaneously with explosions of genetic change...lots of species appear suddenly, in not agreeable ways to darwinian theory, immediately after these extinction events. lends weight to the idea that sudden change in evolutionary progress is the norm, rather than gradual change.
(note that i'm not suggesting that we're on the edge of a mass extinction, more that there's evidence that EM fields affect life on Earth quite profoundly sometimes, and further afield no doubt
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