When is it best to keep opinions to yourself?
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10-30-2011, 03:07 PM
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Oct 2005
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Thanks everyone. Hatha - yes, I agree. I would never say "I told you so". I want to be supportive and honestly I normally don't say anything related to trying alternative treatments. It's something I struggle with often though, since it comes up fairly often. I don't want to ever make another parent feel as though they are doing something wrong in the way they choose to care for their kids. And I remember a time when I felt that 100% trust in the medical establishment so I understand it. I guess, if I know for certain that they're going to disregard my advice and opinions, it's probably best to just keep my mouth shut about trying other things. And in this situation, I probably shouldn't have tried to convince her to cancel the sinus surgery. I'll talk to her.
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