CIA Threatens 9/11 Researchers After Discovery Of Cover Up Details
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09-23-2011, 06:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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These are false flag leak/scandals.
"9/11 Press For Truth" was a production of the controlled, Limited Hangout LIHOP element who masquerade as 911 "truthers". The first half of the film is good, showing the evidence of a 911 cover up, the families' struggle to get an "investigation" etc; but then the 2nd half is all about "the hunt for bin Goldstein", all the intelligence failures, yada yada-- the film is designed to hook viewers with some emotion-tugging red meat, then to lead them astray by enshrining the
fraudulent myth that bin Goldstein and the Scary Moozlemist Box Cutter Wielders really did 911
-- overall the film is gefelte fish smelling limited hangout propaganda, designed to draw in truth seekers but keep the core lie of 911 -
- in place.
This false flag scandal is designed to give 911 PFT some renewed cred...
"oooh, 911 PFT must contain really scandalous revelations!!!... we should all watch it carefully..."
pfff. BTW I haven't watched the OP video yet, that's just a snap impression based on the fact that 911 PFT is the focus - PFT's producers and the CIA are all on the
same team
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