Ralph Nader
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09-22-2011, 10:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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I voted for Ralph in the last three elections. He's anti-corporate, and he hasn't drunk the Kool Aid, and he appears to not have strong ties with the Shadow Government--so he gets my attention.
I know I'm a fool for voting for any politician.
Ralph however lacks charisma, but worst of all, he doesn't get support from the shadow government, so realistically, he can only hope to get a small percentage of the popular vote, and that could be tinkered with by the corrupt vote counters. Ralph can't win. Ron Paul, on the other hand, has a much better chance because he takes on important issues. What would defeat Paul is the ignorance of the voters. But he dare not educate them. He would not only be ignored, but silenced. Both Nader and Paul are in a vise. And the media tightens it from one side, and the other side the corrupt politicians all condemn and uniformly ignore them.
I think what will change the world is when everybody's consciousness changes. This is why the elite are suppressing the truth in so many different places. Everything is smoke and mirrors. If people discover the truth, it will set them free. But everybody has to discover the same truth. Then we will all be free. It's ironic that this is the 'slogan' of the CIA---The Truth Shall Set You Free. The elite do not want us to learn that truth. I doubt that Ralph Nader or Ron Paul are eager for us to learn that truth.
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