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12-17-2005, 04:45 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Heh heh - my parents' house is almost 200 years old, and it was built by President Woodrow Wilson's grandfather. A quality building, still very solid.
Yes, we have substantial refining plants.
I *think* the tax revenue just goes to a general fund, not to anything specific.
The high taxation got that way because of a tax escalator system that they forgot to turn off, as a result of green policies. It was put in place by the old Conservative gov't and continued by the Labour gov't.
Farm eqpt fuel is taxed much lower, hence the dye added to it - you don't want to be caught with that in your tank if you drive a diesel car.
I'm not sure about heating oil, and you're just as capable as me of finding out! Most domestic heating is gas-fired.
I don't know about other Brits, but I think a 500-mile trip is boring! I've done enough travel around Europe not to be too phased by long trips.
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