aquilegia plus (lots of pics, some large)
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06-22-2010, 08:45 AM
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Oct 2005
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hawkweed; I've heard that before, thanks! I found showy ladyslippers but most of them hadn't opened yet and there were just a few open. I was hoping to find some large shining ladies' tresses, but at first glance I found none but later looking very close to the ground I saw that there were some but they were tiny. there were bog candles in flower, lots of them but my bug spray has a limited half-life up there and it was wearing thin so I was on my way out! I didn't see any broad-lipped twayblades but plants were behind this year's schedule and there was standing water everywhere so I didn't go way back in where I normally would have found them (they wouldn't have been in flower anyways if I'd found plants)
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