Losing my mind
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09-01-2009, 02:30 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Your reply in my thread had me looking up your posts and I couldn't find a central point / your story thread. It helps to have the entire story to be able to offer decent advice.
Here's some facts of what I have gathered so far:
1. Your husband is watching p*rn in secret
2. He's chatting with chatting & webcamming with women online... leads to sex talk and emotional affairs.
3. He is keeping secrets from you.
4. Your gut instinct suspects another woman.
5. You have seen many red flags but are trying to convince yourself otherwise.
6. He is making you sick and has forced you to seek therapy.
7. He is hurting you with his behavior and from the looks of it isn't doing anything to help you.
Red Flags you've mentioned:
a. Working late
b. P*rn sites
c. Personal chats with other women online
d. Grooming himself. (Shaving downstairs, trying to lose weight)
e. Keeping secrets from you.
And now for some quotes you have put up all over the show:
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