Cheating in the Media
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08-24-2009, 10:22 PM
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Nov 2005
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Cheating in the Media
I don’t know if I never noticed before, or if it’s just because of what I’m going through I have a heightened awareness to it, but I’ve noticed that cheating seems to have become so common place that it’s become an acceptable basis or background for entertainment.
In the last week I’ve seen no less then 8 movies, and dozens of television shows, of every genre, comedy, horror, drama, etc. that had infidelity as a key element to the story. Even movies that are supposed to be Romantic have infidelity in them. Some of these are movies I’ve seen in the past, but never really paid attention to that aspect, others are ones that I had never seen before.
Has the world become so complacent and accepting of infidelity that we think it makes for good entertainment? In the movies I saw, they never really show the pain or anguish of the person that was cheated on. Either they just glossed over it, or they never showed the person being cheated on finding out. In one case, they used it as a comedic moment with the throwing of dishes and yelling, very slap stick.
I’m just curious if any of you have noticed this as well or if it’s just my heightened sense of awareness.
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