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01-04-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Another put-down of Vancouver (and exaltation of the South) by John!
John, not all born and bred Canadians are hockey fans. Brian isn't, and I'm not. I have no time for it and am not afraid to tell people. No one gives me a hard time because of it. I know plenty other true-blue Canadians who don't care for the sport. Still, I must admit we are in the minority. And it puzzles me when I see grown men and women walking around with a hockey jersey on. I mean, if you have to wear it at the game, take it in a bag or something and change when you get there! And for Christ sake, keep the celebrating to yourself!
Maybe I'm just bitter because the South stole my Grizzlies...
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