i agree it does appear to be a big risk, but they seem to have a very high confidence level in their ability to make it work, in spite of the otehr teams not believing it possible to rely purely on CFD. you seem to have the same POV as most/all the other teams, who don't rely purely on CFD - yet Wirth obviously reckons he and his team can do the job with the tools they have, thats what makes me think that they belive they have the best tools at their disposal - and so far the results seem to look pretty good - they have a car that is at least as quick as the other new entrant who's run laps so far, and the problems they have experienced i don't think can really be put down to the CFD. i'd love to think Wirth can prove the establishment wrong, but i do think that although they have a decent baseline, as the returns diminish they will probably struggle to close the gap as effectively as teams using traditional methods - time will tell, and Wirth's stock will rise rapidally if he can make it work - from what he's been saying the results they've had on track are exaclty as they'd received from the modelling, which is a decent start