Honda Saved!
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02-26-2009, 07:32 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
It's been a theory of mine that Honda wasn't really interested in selling, and the "managment buyout" is more about imagine then reality. The reality is Honda should they close down are on the hook for about $130m according to Peter Windsor on Windtunnel the other night. This combined with the loss of tv revenue (however thats worked out) and it seems pretty silly to simply pull the plug. By having a "Managment buyout" it appears that Honda isn't dumping millions into F1 while still laying off thousands of workers (even though there are) and it allows them to keep their foot in the F1 door (either by keeping some ownership of the team or buy back clauses)
Also by not testing until the last minute, it does appear that there is intention to limp through the 2009 on a limited budjet instead of being interested in selling. At this point it would not take alot of effort to appear to be in a better position then Force India, the potential prize money for finishing ahead of them would make selling the team easier, so even limited testing up to now would have had the return of better offers if there was any interest in the team.
Of course I could be wrong on this, but the brightside... even if they do shut down... we should be back up to 10 teams next year...
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