Hamilton and Alonso Given equal machinery, they were neck and neck, both leading the WDC all year long and if one acquiesced to the other, either one could have won it. In all honesty I think Alonso is still the best driver. I don't like his attitude, I am no particular fan of him, but on pure driving he is tops. Hamilton is only slightly behind him and lacks the experience that only years of top racing can give you (which Alonso has). I think that ultimately Hamilton will surpass Alonso in my book, but in 2008/2009 they are 1a and 1b in my book next tier, Vettel, Kubica and Raikkonen Of those 3, I rank Raikkonen tops. And his off year is either representative of his diminished interest in racing or simply an off year. If the latter is the case then Kimi is probably close if not part of the top 2 and is probably a 1c. (which he probably will be in 2009) Vettel is undoubtedly an exceedingly good driver and will only improve. But e will have to see how he performs under immense pressure and when called to compete constantly for expected GP wins and titles. Kubica is a bit of an enigma to me,but is still a top driver. Seems to have that special something. tier below that Felipe, Bourdias, Webber, Glock Felipe. a product of circumstance and having an outstanding car. Very good qualifier and fast when conditions are ideal and if leading the race. In any other situation, he has proven to be average at best. He has made incredible strides in 2008 but I remain skeptical about his true abilities. Bourdais. Watch out next year, I predict a top 7 WDC standing. Now that he has had a year under his belt and will probably assume the #1 status in the team along with Ferrari powered engines, He is likely to turn a few heads next year. Webber, An enigma here too,but I do strongly believe that if Webber were in the 2nd Maclaren instead fo Kovy,he would have podiumed more and probably won 2 races. He is a really good driver who has always driven average cars. Glock. I've warmed up to his abilities as the year has gone by and next year will be a banner year for him, He'll totally blow away Trulli and is my dark horse for winning a GP.