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Old 11-09-2008, 04:26 AM   #4

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Oct 2005
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1) Which were the biggest positive surprises of the season? (teams, drivers, other F1-related events) - Sebastian Vettel - the man has talent! Also how close it was between the big two/three as many predicted a Ferrari walkover.

2) Which were the biggest negative surprises of the season? (teams, drivers, other) - The Spa shenanigans and Glockgate at Brazil.

3) Which was the most interesting race of the season? - Spa for sure.

4) Which was the most boring race of the season? - Valencia

5) Which were in your opinion the most remarkable single performances by a driver? (mention driver and GP here) - Definitely Vettel at Monza, best I've seen since Schumi Brazil 06!

6) Who/what would you especially like to praise/highlight, who/what in your opinion hasn't got enough attention? - All the teams/drivers get enough attention worldwide.

7) Which events during the season created most emotional feelings for yourself? (besides the finale of the last race!) - Vettel's win for sure. But yes also the finale of the last race!

8) How satisfied are you generally with the season and what would you have preferred to turn out differently? - It was a good season but still too much political crap. Would have preferred to see Massa champion!

9) What was better/worse in 2008 compared to 2007? -
BETTER: Competitiveness and less politics.
WORSE: Hamilton champion
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