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Old 11-10-2008, 06:39 AM   #14

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Oct 2005
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1) Which were the biggest positive surprises of the season? (teams, drivers, other F1-related events)
Torro Rosso's performance would have to be the biggest positive surprise. It showed that there is more to F1 than just desiging a quick car. Berger's boys took the same chassis as Red Bull and got more out of it. Well done!

2) Which were the biggest negative surprises of the season? (teams, drivers, other)
Raikkonen. Still the fastest man in F1, as something like 10 fastest laps attest, but where his head was at, who knows?

3) Which was the most interesting race of the season?
Interlagos was boring for 69 laps and thrilling for 2. Singapore was interesting for the first practice session then dull thereafter. I can't say any one race was more intersting than the rest. There were interesting aspects to many races this season.

4) Which was the most boring race of the season?
Germany and Spain weren't worth watching.

5) Which were in your opinion the most remarkable single performances by a driver? (mention driver and GP here)
Vettel at Monza, Massa at the Hungaroring and Hamilton at Silverstone.

6) Who/what would you especially like to praise/highlight, who/what in your opinion hasn't got enough attention?
Vettel, STR, Alonso and Renault deserve the praise. I think Toyota probably haven't got enough credit for finally getting their team pointed in the right direction.

7) Which events during the season created most emotional feelings for yourself? (besides the finale of the last race!)
Massa's engine failure in Hungary was a gut punch that still annoys be to this day. If that engine had lasted another 3 laps the title probably would have been his.

8) How satisfied are you generally with the season and what would you have preferred to turn out differently?
McLaren won the WDC so I definently would have preferred a different outcome. As a whole I can't say that I really enjoyed this season. It's a strange feeling because Ferrari were competitive and won the WCC yet I enjoyed 2005 more. I think the direction the sport is heading isn't to my liking and it's taking some of the enjoyment out of it for me.

9) What was better/worse in 2008 compared to 2007?
As per question 8, I preferred 2007. For the first time in years I missed a couple of races this year. About the only time I got really excited all year were the last two laps of the season.
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