what's the point of medals ? (Proposed new scoring system)
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10-27-2008, 07:20 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Flowers . That's the answer to all this .
Give the drivers a bouquet of flowers for a win , and lesser bouqets for second and third , and they have to keep adding that little packet of "keep the flowers fresh" stuff at every pitstop , adding precious seconds .
Leaves and petals could be examined after the race in parc ferme to determine the sanctions .
Aphids , thrips , and scale bugs would throw in a whole new dimension , where only certain pesticides would be allowed .
Bonus points could be given for growth , and this will hopefully inspire the adoption of the "greenhouse wing" , and the recycling of the tire warmers for heating the greenhouse , when China moves it's race to Tibet , where it's cold .
It would fall in with the green initiative at the same time .
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