Athletic abilities...
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09-27-2012, 09:01 AM
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Nov 2005
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Athletic abilities...
I've been pet sitting what seems to be some kind of hound x lab mix for the past week. She is around 6 years of age and she is total athlete. Her owners keep her pretty chubby and I am sure she is barely walked or exercised at all simply by her physical shape. However, the damn dog is so freaking athletic, she is so smart and I have been teaching her a few things and she picks up so quick. She responds to the commands with such enthusiasm and performs what I ask quickly. She jumps super high and has a lot of ball/tug drive. Meanwhile I have my Bernie on excellent food and supplements he is also 3 years younger than her, I also have him in pretty good shape and it's like looking at a hummer and a corvette lol Bernie is much bigger and stronger, I am going to also say that he is faster because so far he can beat her running but I will test it tonight when I make them race in a straight line. But Bernie's super lazy and he is very obedient but he performs what I ask super slow. He also can't keep up with her energy levels, she wants to be chased all day and Bernie just wants to lay down lolol This morning when I let them out in the yard before work, she wanted to initiate play and he just ignored her and looked at me with Agony to please let him in....
Is there such thing as athletic ability without hyperactivity? I know a lot of people have their own definition of drive and what not. I am most likely going to get another dog in the upcoming year and I wonder if there is such a thing as a sturdy, strong, athletic type dog that will not be a complete hyper active mess but can perform and work/play when needed?
I know a lot of you own different types of bulldog breeds and other breeds so I want to hear your observations on the differences between types. I know it's all about the individual dog and what not, but I am seriously impressed with that dog. I am also thinking maybe I don't feed him enough and this is why he lacks energy? I mean I think he is pretty good shape, light spine shows but no hip bone and he has a pretty big rear.
Here are a couple of cell phone pics of them :
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