Thread: Rats
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:27 PM   #7

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The bolded part made me lol. I don't like vermin and I have no problem letting my dogs or cat do their thing. Unfortunately, we have one cunning rat that comes onto my property every so often ad no matter how hard the dogs try they can't get him. He's fast and smart, damn him. If they ever manage to kill him there will be steak.

In his prime,Pongo took rat hunting seriously. He would kill a dog if it got between him and a rat. We had a purebred JRT one time and he tried to go for the rat, Pongo killed the rat and beat the hell out of him! Never went after another rat when Pongo was around. He rips through doors/walls/dry wall, tries to tear up floor boards. He can do some major damage to get to a rat. He found their nest one time and just biting up mouth fulls of baby rats. He screams and goes totally bonkers! His pupils dilate, he literally shakes like he is having seizures he gets so worked up! And it takes hours for him to chill out after killing a rat.

If I screamed rats and pointed, he would go nuts trying to find them. My friend's husband thought it would be funny to do it at their house. Well he point to the fire place that had a wire grate infront of it and said rats. Pongo ripped the grate off, got up in the fire pit and he is white dog. Need I say more? And if Bobby didn't think that mess was enough, he opened a kitchen cabinet and told him there was rats in there. He ripped everything out of their lower kitchen cabinets looking for rats!

Pongo can't go to the rodent section at pet store either!

Looks all sweet and innocent! Until a rodent gets near him!

clomoll is offline


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