Me being a dick, yes, but I'm sure it was for her own good...what do you guys think?
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09-23-2012, 09:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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Me being a dick, yes, but I'm sure it was for her own good...what do you guys think?
Seriously. I mean this is one of My pet Peevs!!! (pun intended). So here's the case. My friend has a pitbull (as she calls it which pisses me off every time). Which may I add is in no way registered or tested or has been up to date on shots and more than likely is a mix bred cur not a cross bred mutt. Though all of this is true she asks me if she should breed her dog. So me course me being the ASS I am I told her straight. I asked her about all of the listed requirements. She said no to all.
So of course being the smart ASS I am I told her this. "What in the hell do you want to breed her for. Its a DAMN mutt for gods sake. You dnt even know if its pure!!! She has no papers no recognition no checks and no reason to be bred. I mean its like asking me when you should have sex!!! If you gotta ask someone else then dnt do it!!! I mean she's not even f***ing two.!!!" and she says "Well she's a good looking dog" i say "Dude you need temperament, durability, medical background, and genetics plus much more. You have none!!!. Plus there's enough DAMN mutts in this world as it is!!! You need to forget this whole thing.
Your aren't even fit to breed a DAMN goldfish!!! Id been planning on getting a American pitbull terrier puppy weeks ago. And ya know what I dnt have it. Because I looked up just about everything about this magnificent breed and realized Im not ready yet. Id rather wait until Im done with school before taking on the responsibility of a breed which requires advanced ownership and training and restraint. You need to drop this and do your homework before you end up as one of the many two bit owners who've screwed up this wonderful breeds reputation In the first place." and she says "Well you dnt have to be such a Bitch about it "and I say
"Apparently I do because your just as f***ed up in the head as the rest of em all you care about is making money off piss poor puppies than improving the breed." and she says "Well you have a dog you we're going to breed before." and I tell her "That was 2 years ago and he is nine now so I wouldn't dream of it. Im tired of having this fruitless argument with you. Just remember what I said and think about your next step. And to make it clear remember this quote to."
"Good medicine often leaves a bitter taste." "In other words, advice may seem harsh to the ears, but it is for our own good." (The quote is from Okami btw its my fav videogame eveeeer!!! x3) But back on topic. Was i too harsh or do you think do you say... "words of wisdom" will knock some sense into the idiotic girls head??? Man im pissed rite now... -_-'
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