Dominance Aggressive dog bit our baby - HELP!!!!
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12-01-2011, 07:17 AM
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Oct 2005
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The thing that would be an even bigger red flag for me is that he growled at you while you were trying to do a routine thing with him. You're supposed to be the boss and he's supposed to know that. A lot of the posts are focusing on the baby, which was a scary event to be sure, but it wasn't just a matter of the baby crawling near the bed; he also gave you the what-for when you were trying to take him outside at night.
I have no personal experience with this kind of thing myself but if it were my dog I would take him to the vet immediately and have a complete work-up done. Thyroid issues can contribute to sudden aggression and I remember someone on here said their dog was aggressive and they found ear mites; once the mites were treated the dog was fine. I'm sure there are a host of other things that can contribute to sudden aggression.
If the tests all came back clear then I would have the vet put him to sleep. It would break my heart terribly but a pit bull attack is not something anybody should risk. I also heard awhile ago that a lot of those horrible pit bull stories you hear are about dogs that already had a bite history.
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