I am having a problem..
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11-18-2011, 06:47 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I am having a problem..
Ok, so a lady who had gotten a dog from us 3 years ago, calls me and tells me her dog is missing.. also their other dog is missing with him.. says he wasnt at the HS when she called and blah blah.. So, I contacted a friend who works there and sent their pictures over to them.. They ARE there!! The fee to get them both out is $150 (which I do not have until next week - by then the fee will be double that). I contacted the owner and told her and she now *can not afford to keep them anymore*.. First off, how can you care for a dog for 3 years and then not anymore? Find it a home, call me to take him back.. I would have.. don't leave him in the shelter to be euthanized!! when they took him, it was before I learned how useful contracts were! but we made it clear to her, we'd take him in a heart beat before anything else happened.. we stayed in touch with her.. just 2 weeks ago - we went to visit him! everything was fine! (this is a pup from tinkerbells litter).. Anyway, I asked my friend if they could put on hold or waiver the fee (awaiting an answer).. if so, we will get them out and care for them.. such bad timing!! While speaking to another lady at the HS, I learned they were aware of them being there - as of the same day they went missing.. (which that day would have been free to get them out).. why couldn't she have contacted me then??? NOO, she had to wait until the fee racked up! Anyway - I just wanted to rant.. I will get him out - as he was originally my responsibility and I will not let him stay there any longer than he has to.. but I also want to help the other dog.. it's not right!! this is total BS!!
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