Sometimes you have to cull for personal reasons. When you have alot of dogs you sometimes have to weigh those more practical/financial/quality of life issues a little differently than someone with say one single dog that has dibs on all the resouces. lol I know with my girl Scarling, we are pretty well at the point of weighing the worth of a financial investment into a dog that is not likely to succeed at life just due to shitty temperament. Now if she was my only dog, I'd probably veiw that differently. Honestly, I'd put all my dogs down before I'd consider passing them on to someone else who might wind up giving them a horrible life. I'd rather they left the earth while happy. My dogs live and die by my hand. I don't envy your decision. I'm at a similar point myself and it's agony trying to know what to do. I think I'm coming to the point of realizing that OUR quality of life counts, too. Living with a dog with issues is no cake walk from financial, to emotional.... they can be a heavy burden.