and to counter anyone who questions another mans desire to breed a dog he sees fit WHO is ANYBODY to question my intentions ,my purpose or my love for the breed. no one can question your right to do what you want with your property... that was not what I was talking questions or concerns have to do with the validity of your reasoning for doing such a thing... 1. There is no need for the animals you are considering breeding 2. by the questions you ask, and they are legitimate questions, you do not have the experience with the breed to undertake such a task 3. you must ask yourself, is your personal desire adequate reason to breed these dogs, when there are already too many of them out there... there are already more of these dogs than there are responsible homes for them to go to. 4. no personal disrespect to you intended, but maybe you should just stick to these dogs as pets.. until you have more experience with and knowledge of not only the breed, but what all breeding entails... the responsibility of breeding.... 5. again no disrespect intended, but it seems you have hero worship and want to be like the dogmen of the past...when that day and the need for them is gone... seeing that dogfighting is now illegal what ways do u vets suggest??? i can make my dog fire up jump sit stay bark if someone comes to the door and protect my home is he not worthy of breeding?? here again, these dogs are not suited for home and personal protection... and if the dog you have does this, NO it does not make him/her worthy of breeding as it is not a breed standard.... would his offspring not make some other family proud apbt owners ??? there are already too many apbt dogs out more are needed to provide all the dogs for the responsible owners out there...just check your want adds, and craigslist... they are listed by the hundreds every day... there are already too many dogs out there now, no more breeders of pet quality dogs are needed... your breeding of your dogs may make you feel good, but will just add to the overall problem, which is why I said for you to ask yourself if your desire to breed dogs is really a good enough reason to do so... you will be affecting much more than just yourself... whos to say he wont produce the next zebo??? do we really need any more zebo's? im sure in your day there was trial and error in order to get what u wanted to achieve so why the hell is it different when the next man with maybe less experience but the same love for the breed??? times have changed...when I got my first apbt, they were still Americas dog... there was no such thing as BSL, nor was there an overpopulation of these dogs back then... if you truly loved the breed, then you would want to do nothing to hurt it... and indiscriminate breeding of un-needed pet quality dogs does just that .. it hurts the breed... I have nothing against breeding quality dogs, dogs that have proved themselves in some way, champion dogs... their off spring alone would provide all the dogs we need in this day and time....and some of their offspring will be pet quality dogs... champion lines do not produce all champion dogs... ---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ---------- both my dogs are adba registered and as ive seen here opinions are like a-holes everyone has one but i would like to know history and facts not what u feel think or heard