I want to thank u all for your well taken replys but no thanks to the people so full of themselves they cant see with time comes change and for the record i would like to know what is it that u self righteous sobs are doing so well to preserve the breed where were u vanguards when lonzo pratts whole yard was scattered across the world. Where were the vanguards when asshole old timers made it hott to even own a apbt.i think people here are more so trying to boost promote and perserve there own ego with there hearsay stories and feelings.like talking to a woman.(i feekl this , i feel that)not one person has talked facts history or even directed me to a source to learn, bit best believe im aware, im in tune and still learning.u all started from some point with a goal in mind y is it different for me ???? Fuck your feelings feed me facts history or a source that will.