Tired of pit bull haters
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01-15-2011, 05:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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I've rarely ever seen a dog wait till it was 2 years old to turn on. Most APBT's I've had turn on between 8-12 months, the latest being 15 months. Just wanted to add that
Granted, I know your dog looks to be American Bully, not American Pit Bull Terrier (someone really needs to write up a sticky about why AmBullies are registered as APBTs, although they are not, and about paper hanging and that whole subject) Now, American Bullies are pretty controversial dogs in the "Bully Breed" world. Many APBT people do not like them, to be honest. Many of us don't mind them, and can accept that people are trying to start a new breed, but absolutely despise it when they are referred to as "pit bull" or APBT. Just make sure you have thick skin, and research! Learn the differences between the two breeds. I also wanted to add that "blue" is not really a "rare" color in the APBT, all it is is diluted black, but more so, there are a lot of people in the APBT world the cull blues, and there are a few reasons for this. There are no "rare" colors in the APBT world, but as most (or at least the good) breeders do not breed for color, typically the dominate colors are more common.
Now, about the dog park issue, as others have pointed out, dog parks are a horrible idea. For one, you don't know what kind of diseases are running rampant there. Other dog owners are irresponsible. (Actually I believe ANYONE that brings a dog to a dog park in the first place is irresponsible, as you are bringing your dog to a place that is dangerous for MANY reasons) You also don't know the temperament of the other dogs there. Also, there are some people that bring kids there. Do you know how many kids have been bitten by a dog, but if there is a pit bull type dog around, that's the one that gets blamed for it, even if it was nowhere near the child? Another good reason is that you don't know when your dog is going to turn on. You can't predict when your dog will get into a fight, and it will always, always be your fault. Not any dogs. It is your fault for putting your dog in a situation to fail.
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