Tired of pit bull haters
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01-15-2011, 06:11 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I hear what your saying, I guess i feel that people need to get to know pit bulls and see that there great dogs and that they don't go around attacking other dogs. I could be wrong.
Actually youre 100% correct. That is something you should want to do with your pit bull. You want to show everyone that you have a fantastic dog who doesnt start trouble and who doesnt act crazy around other dogs or people. BUT, where youre choosing to do it is where you go astray. Festivals, Regular Leashed Parks, ANY public event where any other dogs SHOULD be properly controlled.. i.e. leashed. This makes the opportunity for aggressiveness drop dramatically. This means that no other dog should charge your dog or attack your dog or pick a fight with your dog and therefore keeps your dog out of trouble.
Wanting to show our beloved breed in a positive light is commendable to me, but taking one to a dog park to do it, rarely ends well. People are ignorant and stupid and believe everything they see on tv and read in the headlines. MANY people are quick to point at the pit bull even when their dog is the one who started the trouble. Most times the pit bull will end the situation and ts that ending that ends up in the news. Not who started it, but who lost most in the end.
Is this a situation you are willing to put your dog in?
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