Tired of pit bull haters
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01-15-2011, 09:01 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
She looks like an APBT or American Staffordshire Terrier TO ME.
Now, SOME here are going to tell you it depends on her PEDIGREE if she's an "ambullie" or not.
Think about it. How ridiculous is that? You have to look at a PEDIGREE to determine what BREED of dog you have?
Learn about APBTs and it's history and how people have exploited them over the ages. That is what should be your concern. Don't try to fit your dog into the whole "am bullie" thing -- it's confusing and a disservice to the breed and your dog. "Am bullies" are not important in the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier, other than illustrating poor examples of APBTs.
History of the APBT
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