Witnessed a fight today.
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01-13-2010, 05:46 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Witnessed a fight today.
So I went with a couple friends to one of their friend's house. The girl who lives there, Mary, has 4 dogs: 2 pits, a corgi and a basset. And the pits got in a fight. I have never, ever seen this before. It was brutal. They don't have a break stick (hell, I'd never even heard of one before I came across the forum!), so we did our best with a shovel handle. Or tried to. Along with the water hose. After we got them seperated, they were both a MESS. There was bloodshed. They're both good dogs, to people. They just uh.. Yeah. It was a bad experience.
So what I'm trying to say here is: HOLY BALLS THAT WAS SCARY.
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