Speak out for our breed now!
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11-18-2010, 03:05 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
A morning radio station in my town also bashed APBT and instead of getting upset over it (and I was planning on writing a letter to them) I decide to just not listen to their station anymore.
I just get too angry at people who spout ignorance nonsense. Which is why I try to not watch the news anymore or CNN or anything like that anymore - ignorance just really gets me seriously angry, so I have to avoid it as much as possible; so politics are something I avoid. I choose to take a stand, if we just ignore the problem then that is when BSL has an open door to step in. Trust me it makes me angry but I cannot just ignore the issue. I think it is time for us as owners to stand up to the bad media and educate them a little and at best let them know there are responsible owners out there that are not going to sit idle and let them bash our breed.
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