Thread: Help Editing
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:50 PM   #2

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Default Help Editing
Hey guys,

I am writing an article for the local newspaper, but it needs to be WAY shorter.
The funny thing is I have already edited it twice and can't stand to cut any more from it!

If anyone wants to help by pointing out parts that the article could do without, or anything that you think could be changed, please do!

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I recently watched a video on the Prince George Citizen website that explained how Caesar Millan is not able to bring his sidekick, Junior, into Ontario with him while touring across the nation. The reason for this was Bill 132. Put in effect August 29, 2005 along with the (new) Dog Owners Liability Act, this bill prohibits anyone from owning, importing, transferring or breeding “Pit Bulls” in Ontario. The definition of a “Pit Bull” under this Act includes: the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Pit Bull Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier or any other dog that has an appearance and physical characteristics that are substantially similar to any of the aforementioned breeds.

The American Pit Bull Terrier, mentioned above, is somewhat of a “foundation breed” for all breeds covered under this act. This means that the American Pit Bull Terrier (or APBT for short) played a role in the creation of the other breeds mentioned above, making all breeds covered under this act at least somewhat similar. The APBT is the true and original “Pit Bull” and was perfected before the other “Pit Bull” breeds that we know today. Generally, “Pit Bull” type dogs are medium sized and appear somewhat “square” when viewed from the side. They typically weigh between 20-70 pounds and have short sleek fur. The are medium sized, with a short sleek coat over their compact muscles. Of course, we have all heard the atrocious myths that surround this breed, “Locking Jaws” and other such nonsense. However, when it comes down to solid facts, the average person knows little to nothing about “Pit Bull” dogs.

Early “bull-and-terrier” dogs were bred for blood sports, the most commonly known being dog fighting. When these dogs were perfected dog fighting was a very popular and legal sport. However, what many people don’t know is that the dog men who created the “Pit Bull” were also very enthusiastic about loving their dogs, many of which were kept as pets. So while the Pit Bull was created to be an all-out beast in dog pit, they were at the same time bred to be loyal and docile companions. Not to mention, handling your dog in the pit was required by rules, and no one would want to handle a dog they couldn’t trust.
I am sure many of your have seen The Little Rascals movie or TV shows, in which a group of children create mischief around their town accompanied by their dog Petey the Pit Bull. These dogs were once known as the cherished family pet.

Unlike many popular breeds such as the German Shepherd or Great Pyrenees, Pit Bulls have never been bred to be used as a guardian dog. While many think the opposite, any knowledgeable owner or enthusiast of Pit Bull dogs could tell you that they are not what you would want to guard your home. While they are very loyal and willing to protect their owners, if someone were to break into you home while you were away they would most likely be greeted warmly by an ear-to-ear smile and a wagging tail.

Because of the media and public misinformation, many people began to think that think that these dogs really were man-hungry beasts. In turn “less-than-respectable” members of society began purchasing them to be used as guard dogs. Upon discovering their inaccurate guardian skills, these members of society came to the conclusion that the guardian mentality must have to be trained into a dog. As you can probably imagine, training a dog that is very person oriented not to like people would most likely be a very negative experience for the dog and this does not result well.

These days, many of those who are rooting on the side of the Pit Bull are often unknowing or denying of the fact that the Pit Bull was bred to fight and does have a tendency to be aggressive toward other dogs. Because of this, many Pit Bull owners do not take proper precautions to ensure the safety of other dogs as well as their own. I have seen it time and time again, uneducated owners setting their dogs up for failure.

Sadly, every day dogs fall victim to situations such as those described above because of media, governmental and public misconception. The bad reputation that these dogs have been given and continue to be held down by has led to the many laws that ban them and/or label them as dangerous dogs.

The solution to the “Pit Bull Problem” is not to pass laws that take the valued members from thousands of families and send them off to the pound or to the slaughter. The solution is public education and in turn responsible ownership.

It is up to us as owners of these dogs and dogs in general to take the public opinion into our own hands by being responsible and educated as well as willing to share what we know.

The passing of laws such as the Ontario Pit Bull Ban have been increasing dramatically over the last 10 years, from outright bans to restrictions on ownership of these dogs.

Here in Prince George, we also have restrictive policies on Pit Bull type dogs, and I fear as an owner of this fine breed, how long it will be before they are completely banned here as well?

This leads me to wonder, how long will it be before this happens to other types of dogs? How long will it be before there are bans on mans “best friend” all together?
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