Aggressive dog and dumb owner
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01-09-2010, 05:36 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I REALLY don't get some dog owners these days. It's like they actually don't mind or care if their dog gets hurt?
I was walking Peyton in my neighborhood a few days ago, and we were rounding a corner and heard a dog barking (sounded to me like, "hey there's a dog coming!" type bark) and a lady going "hey now quiet quiet stop barking". Well as soon as we walked past the house where the dog was at, I look over in time to see the lady actually DROP the leash attached to her oddly mixed dog (brindle, but short, stocky with a curly tail and extremely pointed ears) and allow her dog to run straight to Peyton, snarling and growling. It all happened SO fast. He grabs Peyton by the neck and tumbles him over. Thankfully when the pair fell, the other dog must have lost grip or something and I pulled Peyton behind me and stood what my sister said to be a very powerful, protective stance. The other dog just stared at me. I yelled to the owners, who just thought it'd be....entertaining to watch? Who knwos. They just stood there and said NOTHING the entire time. I screamed at them for them to come get their "blanking" dog, and they called her over and i scooped up Peyton and walked away. Thankfully he wasn't injured at all, just really shaken up.
Peyton did nothing the entire time but yelp, scream and yip. He did nothing to fight back, poor thing was petrified. I had a few choice words with the owners who still proceeded to ignore me and allow their dog to roam the yard while we hurried away.
Like honestly. Did they WANT to pay all my dog's vet bills if he had been hurt? Did they WANT their dog to be put down if it had bit me or my sisters, instead of my dog? Did they WANT AC to come to their house? Like really, come on people. If you actually cared about your dog in any kind of way, you wouldn't jeopardize their life like that. or anyone else's for that matter!
I'm still fuming about it. I don't get the way people's brains work.
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